Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Balling Off the Foat

A previous comment gave me advice to not ball off the foat (fall off the boat) when I was planning to go perching for fish (fishing for perch) in Lake Michigan. If only someone had told me that for this weekend!

Renae and I got up early to fish—our first opportunity at the cottage. I had caught one bass with my new rod Renae had given me for my birthday. We were sitting on the fishing seats at the front of the pontoon when she pointed to some dirt on my leg. I stood up and was going to reach down to get some water to get the dirt off my leg when my foot slipped on the metal strip on the edge of the boat. Apparently the inside of my right leg hit in numerous placing as I fell into the water because I’m bruised from my foot up. Needless to say I let go of my rod and Renae watched it sink to the bottom of the lake!

Besides my body, my ego is quite bruised as well.

That night every time I was almost asleep, I was suddenly under water trying to get back up to the top. It was a rough night.

The next morning when I needed to rinse off my hands while fishing, I laid down on the floor of the boat and reached down to the water. Falling off the boat once was an accident, twice would be stupidity.


Ann said...

So the rod is irretrievable?

rk2 said...

It's at the bottom of the lake, but thankfully Wal-Mart (not Meijer by the way) had an identical one.

It was a semi-expensive lesson to learn and now I set the rod down whenever I move around the boat.