Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Game is ON!

I’m not big on pranks and practical jokes; each time it has to get bigger and better which ends up being meaner and dirtier. I worked at a place where two teachers had a tradition of upping each other on April’s Fool’s Day. I wasn’t impressed from the first year I was there; to me there wasn’t fun in seeing it go on and on.

However. . .the game is on with one of our dealers. Here’s the background. For our on-line document storage we have to put a sheet with bar codes between documents made up of multiple pages for the scanners to read the start of a new document. We send those to our dealers out of our office. One dealer has an AP (Lisa) and an AR person (Julie) who both are great at making fun out of the mundane. I had sent a large stack (probably 300 sheets) to Lisa and it seemed as if only a couple of weeks later she requested more. I asked if they were eating them to which replied yes, they found the bar code sheets quite tasty for snack time. We were thinking of various uses for which they were going through the bar code sheets so quickly and I mentioned that they are actually like a sleep number bed and you can stack them as high as you want for the “firmness” you prefer for sleeping.

This is the picture I received from Lisa as taken by Julie.

Not to be outdone I sent this to Lisa today to let her know my motivation for sitting at my desk to work.

Julie’s reply was “I always knew Lisa was rock star; now she’s wallpaper.” That statement made me laugh almost as the picture did originally.

The game is on, and I expect something coming down the pike from Lisa in the near future. Don’t worry—I have my next idea if I can figure out Paint Shop Pro.

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