Friday, August 21, 2009

Midwest Americana

Last night was Midwest America at it finest. The Hudsonville Downtown Development Association sponsors along with the Laurels of Hudsonville (their spokesperson at intermission advertised by saying “We’re here for your rehabbing whether it’s for knee replacement, hip replacement or if your stroking.”!!!) a summer concert series on the third Thursday of the summer months. Typically it’s in Veteran’s Park so it’s a nice outdoor setting, but it was too windy last night so it was moved the fire station. They pull the trucks outside in order for most everyone to sit in the truck bay. However, it was pretty full, and I actually sat outside on the driveway.

The performers last night were the Holland American Legion Band. My co-worker plays in the group of about 50-60 people. They are real asset to the Holland area as they also have a summer concert series at Kollen Park in Holland every Tuesday evening for 10 weeks.

The concert began with the mayor recognizing all veterans and leading the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. It struck me how little we say the pledge; in fact, I don’t know when the last time was that I said the Pledge of Allegiance. That was followed by the band playing and the audience heartily singing the national anthem. It was really nice that the band played the anthem in a lower key so no one had to screech the high notes or drop down an octave to sing.

The program included many songs the band played on their tour in June to France to play for the 65th anniversary of D-Day: marches, some Glenn Miller big band, Amazing Grace, and of course the finale of Stars and Stripes Forever.

And Midwest Americana continues next week with the Hudsonville Fair.

1 comment:

MLK said...

What a delightful evening. I recall the patriotic band program along the lake a year ago on July 4, perhaps at the same location? That is the kind of Americana that should endure.