Thursday, October 15, 2009

Some Days It Doesn't Pay to Get Out of Bed

A friend forwarded this from a business acquaintance. As my friend said, "And you think you've got it bad."

I have late disseminated stages of Lyme Disease. I have been working half days in the office, when I can go in. I will be starting IV antibiotics in a few weeks. My dr wanted me to be stop work back in July and go on STD/LTD.. I am not ready to not work. I am not allowed to drive. I'll keep this short. My mom totaled my car after taking me to my in-laws for them to take care of me while I went through my first treatment last month. Mom only had 3 broken ribs and no one else was hurt, My car did not survive. Once my husband dealt with the insurance I ended up with my dream car a Cadillac CTS :) Well after sleeping for about 3 days straight I wanted to borrow my mother in laws car just to go about 1/2 mile, well after the massage I was out of it and thought my lane's light turned green but it didn't and I went, I was slammed over to the other side of the intersection and 3 other cars were involved. No one was hurt, thank goodness. So now I am on super restriction. My next Dr appointment is the 27th that's when we decide to start IVs.

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