Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Last night in a group presentation on divorce, the presenter described (it would’ve been better if he’d demonstrated) marriage and divorce. Marriage is glueing two sheets of paper together to form one page. Divorce is trying to tear those pages apart to from two separate sheets. It simply cannot be done to have two perfect sheets again.


Heather said...

I saw a similar demonstration, but in it, two pieces of 2x4 wood (one painted blue and one red) were glued together. When they were ripped apart, painted chips from each color clung to each piece. The speaker used it not only in a marriage context, but also to talk to teens/young people about abstinence and what happens when you give yourself to someone outside of marriage. It was very powerful!

Your mother and your aunt said...

Heather and Rhoda,
How great it would be if both of the illustrations could be disseminated far and wide. Much unhappiness could be prevented if the truths presented were heeded.