Saturday, December 12, 2009

The Ornaments

Today continued a tradition that began in 1988. I mailed the ornaments. Every niece and nephew gets an ornament of the same type each year with their name and year on it. At one point I made a list just in case I couldn't keep track.

Andrew--rocking horse (except this year)
Mary Lee--angel
Lauren--teddy bear (harder to find each year than you would think)
John Michael--gingerbread man
Lindsay--greenery (tree, wreath, etc.)
Haley--candy cane

Each year I like to find the ornaments in the same style. One of my favorite years was when I found them all as cookie cutters and put ribbon on them for hanging. Another favorite year was finding them as plaster ornaments. Ann and Mary Lee bought some other ornaments, and we painted and painted for 2-3 days.

Today I texted all the kids that something was in the mail.

Molly told me that Jeffrey was decorating their tree today. He put all the ornaments for each person out. He got all excited and told Molly, "Look at this!!! This one is from 1993!!!" He picked up another one and exclaimed, "And this one is from 1992!!!"

Of course when all you know is 2000s for a year, I guess 1992 is old. Molly said he acted as if they may as well as have been from the Civil War!

1 comment:

marym said...

When we were decorating our tree, one of the girls said, "Where are our ornaments from Rhoda?" I told you!