Tuesday, January 19, 2010


There are so many amazing stories of children from Haiti being quickly united with their adoptive parents due to the earthquake. There are quite a few agencies in West Michigan that have a base of operation in Haiti so there are many local stories of people connected to Haiti in the news.

An excerpt from a friend's e-mail I received yesterday regarding Haiti:

But it does make one wonder how a country of about 9 million people can still be so poor when we have given them over $3 billion since 1996. Hopefully, the good that will come out of all this would be getting rid of corruption in the government. I hope the people are ready to rebuild and take back their country.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The problem lies in the fact that giving someone money doesnt solve the issue if they are not held accountable for how it is used.

It is a norm in todays world, especially by our government, to "throw money" at a problem in hopes that it will go away.

We need to teach men to fish. Not just give them fish.