Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Owww, my darling clementines

I love clementines, but they may be killing me.

Periodically I get a cankor sore at the back of my mouth. I've been told that they are viral and there's nothing to do but wait them out. After two weeks of the latest one I went to the dr. yesterday. He said there are many causes and sometimes that cause isn't known. He talked about stress, a cold virus, and then mentioned sometimes food is a problem. He said pineapple, but I'm wondering if the many clementines I like to eat at this time of year are the source. So even though I just bought a new box on Saturday, I'm going to give them to the lady down the street and see if not eating any citrus for several days helps get rid of this pain in my throat. If it is the clementines then I'm guessing that grapefruit I ate on Saturday didn't help either.

And what do you think of my title?


Nog Blog said...

Are they lost and gone forever, your darling clementines?

rk2 said...

Yes, they are lost and gone forever to lady down the street. Her grandson came and got them last night.