Sunday, May 30, 2010

If you have to say something, please say it correctly.

This morning on a bike ride I saw this sign at an oil change place:


I kept saying it over in my mind and couldn't figure it out.

Yesterday the business beside this one tried to honor their employees who were graduating with this sign scrolling in front of their business:

Congradulations . . .

This morning on the way home from church a local car dealership had on their sign a message to thank those who had "sacraficed" for our country.

I suppose grammatical errors on signs shouldn't bug me, and I really prefer it when it's at a business that I don't patronize because I either don't go to a place with errors like that or I tell them about it when I go in.

I passed the oil change place also on my way home from church and it hit me. The sign should say


Oh, if I take advantage of their services my car will be good until the fall.

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