Saturday, July 10, 2010

Summer Saturday

What a busy summer day this has been

1. Laundry
2. Clean out refrigerator
3. Out to Renae's for chicken work. This year we (meaning Renae) installed an automatic watering container which means there is a hose from the pond to the chicken tractor. The water gets very hot in there so we (meaning me) bought PVC pipe to thread the hose through to keep the water cooler. My bright idea was to cut the pvc in half to cover twice as much hose. Today we got to use the table saw to cut in half. I love power tools!!!
4. Pool time.
5. Wash my little car, a big truck, and an SUV.
6. More pool time.
7. Supper--grilled steaks, salad, and noodles the way my father likes them.
8. Check the chickens to make sure the water was cool and the pvc was doing what we wanted it to.

3b. Stung by a wasp
5b. Renae took out the stinger. It feels much better now!!!

Notice what didn't get done: CU prep, clothes folded, and sheets back on bed.

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