Monday, September 27, 2010

ArtPrize 2010

This weekend I went to downtown GR for ArtPrize 2010, an international art competition in which the public decides the winners.  There are over 1700 pieces of art displayed mostly in downtown GR in public places, restaurants, businesses, museums, etc.  It's almost overwelming to decide where to go so we tried to hit the major sites and stopped in at other venues walking from the Hub to the GR Public Museum and the BOB.  These are some of the pieces I really liked:

This is called Current and is made of blown glass at the Public Museum 3rd floor.
This isn't necessarily a favorite, but it's by an artist from Eureka, IL which is extended Klopfenstein family homestead area in central IL.

These are large metal flowers on the corner in front of the Holiday Inn.

 I'm guessing this will be a Top 10 as it's getting a lot of publicity.  It's a mermaid made from toothpicks.  I did really like it.
 This one proves I'm pretty pedestrian in my art appreciation as it's a penny made of pennies--over 84,000!  It revolves to show both sides, and yes the other side is reverse direction just like a real penny.
For GR locals, you really need to get downtown in the next week and half.


Ada said...

Based on these few examples, this must've been an awesome display of sculpting masterpieces. Good idea for a girl's weekend . . .

rk2 said...

Well I've thought about Tulip Time again, but maybe ArtPrize would be a good weekend for a K Ladies get together.

rk2 said...

And there are a lot of paintings as well--these are just ones that Renae and I thought about taking a picture of.