Thursday, November 4, 2010

Thankful Thursday 11/4/10

1. A big project at work is winding up and we report out on Monday. The group I'm working with is really good, and I've enjoyed these 8 weeks.
2. Today I met with a group to begin our holiday giving project. It's great to work around people who are so generous. Last year we sponsored 2 families and an organization. This year we want to sponsor 4 families.
3. Monday night is the last night of my current CU class. It's a really good group, and I'm kind of sad that as I just really start to get to know them the class is over.
4. So glad I have good help going with me to help my parents get settled.
5. Thankful that although the "infected sebacious cyst" (my friend says I just like to say it) isn't gone, the pain in my shoulder is much better.

I'm glad I've had Alabama to call home for 45 years.

1 comment:

Lizzie Emery said...

Hey, I just randomly found your blog by doing "next blog", but I couldn't have been more surprised when I saw that you do Thankful Thursdays! I've been doing Thankful Thursdays since July, and I just love it. I'm glad to know there are more out there giving thanks along with me. :)
