Tuesday, March 22, 2011


That's Old Testament not overtime.

I've been reading the first few books of the Bible in preparation for my trip. I have a schedule to do the required reading twice before September.

There are two general themes I'm reminded of as I read even the boring and dry portions of the begats and the thou shalts:

1) There were so many details the Israelites had to follow--so many exact measurements, so many details in the sacrifices, so many things to do. I'm glad Jesus satisfied all of those when he went to the cross so that we don't have all of that, but I wonder if we can be too flippant about it. What if I had to do more to be ready for church. Would I value it more? Would my relationship with God be deeper?

2) God takes very seriously anything that takes away from Him. Anything that makes us question him or what he says is not valued as having an open mind; it was an offense worthy of stoning.

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