Thursday, March 10, 2011

Thankful Thursday 03/10/11

1. Got Andrew's CD in the mail yesterday. It made me cry on the way to class. The only thing I don't like is that the tenor should be louder in the mix.

2. My mom sent this picture of a couple of the crocuses that I planted at their house last fall. Glad to know at least some of the 120 bulbs will come up!

3. Meeting a guy in a little bit to sell him the flourescent light fixtures I took out of my kitchen. Craigslist is a good thing.

4. Last week in class I told how a former assistant principal (now with the Lord in heaven) announced that he had given up voting years before. As a former social studies teacher I was appalled until he explained, "I've given up voting when I first wake up in the morning if I'm going to read my Bible and walk before I do anything else. It's not an option; I'm going to do those two things." Last night a student said every morning when the alarm went off last week she said to herself, "I'm not voting. I'm getting up and getting on the treadmill.

It is nice when something hits a student and they act on it.


MLK said...

Wonder if the tenor knows how prejudiced we are? Honestly, I really thought his voice comes through loud and clear.

rk2 said...

Andrew told me that the tenor isn't very good so they were hiding him! : )

trashmaster46 said...

I love the crocuses. Croci? In any case, one of my favorite flowers. :)