Sunday, March 6, 2011

Who Do I Hear?

Call me old fashioned, but I prefer talking to someone than texting. I like that I can stay in touch with nieces and nephews with texting and they will reply (for the most part), but I love that twice this week I've talked on the phone with a niece. I love to hear her voice.

In one of my first year's of teaching during a study hall, a group of girls started talking instead of studying. I heard it and said, "Jennifer." Then I realized I said her name instead of "Girls" because I was with her family a lot, and I new her voice distinctly from the rest.

This morning I was reading John 12 and was thinking about the Shepherd's voice. The sheep know His voice and they follow it, but they don't follow other voices. I think about the many voices in today's world and which voices do I follow? A lot of voices say good things and stand for good things, but are they the Shepherd's voice? Sometimes my own voice gets mingled up with the others to justify what I think and I do.

Praying today that I know the Shepherd so well that all I hear is His voice.

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