Friday, March 4, 2011

Dad gave, I give, but Jesus gave the most

Today on the way home from work I gave blood. Some of my earliest memories are of going to Athens High School with Dad for him to give blood. I thought it was pretty sweet because I got to get a cookie! (Yes, pun intended.) When I was in high school he reached his goal of giving a certain number of gallons.

I think because I saw him give blood, giving blood has been a natural and normal thing to do.

In 1995 I gave for the first time at a blood drive at PCS. One of the basketball players passed out on the cot beside me. The next year I gave despite having a cast on my foot and being on crutches. Another basketball player passed out beside me that year.

I've given through the Red Cross in IL and here in MI. In Chattanooga the blood service was always giving out t-shirts as incentives to give. Also, because Little Debbie is headquartered right outside the city, they donated the snacks for people to eat. In OH I went in spurts of making sure I gave every 8 weeks. Now I want to go to blood drives from the local center because that blood stays in this area.

I have O negative blood; I'm a universal donor. I've told my family if they need blood for an operation or medical need they can have mine. In fact they can as much as they need even if they take it all.

So whenever I give blood I think about my Dad.

And then I always lay down on the cot and think about the One who gave His blood for me.
Hebrews 9:22 without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins.

1 comment:

Ann said...

I miss giving blood. Too borderline anemic most of the time to risk it.