Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A 3 Paycheck Month

I have loved being on a bi-weekly payday which means twice a year there are three paychecks in a month. It doesn't really change my daily spending but kind of nice to have a little extra lump of money those two months.

The other day I was in a local business and never thought about the issues this presents for the owner. He meets a payroll every other Friday. July 2011 has three Fridays that are paydays. His business is closed on Sundays. There are 5 Sundays in July 2011. This means he has only 26 days of the month to meet the 3 payrolls. There next July like this will occur in 300+ years according to him.

So I plan to stop and buy an extra coffee or two from him this month. I like his shop, and I want him to stay open in my hometown.


Ann said...

Mike gets a third paycheck this month also. It doesn't really affect me as I pay the bills - but it does inflate the account a little, which, as you said, is very nice.

I never thought about the payroll issue. Buy a coffee for me and I'll send you the $. Do you have paypal?!! :-)

rk2 said...

That's nice--and I'll tell the owner about it. We'll settle up somehow otherwise.

Mr. Big said...

Hi,I found your blog by hitting "Next Blog" at the top of mine. I like it!

I had comment to mention that July, 2016 has exactly the same layout as this year. So the owner needs to prepare for it 295+ years sooner!