Monday, August 29, 2011

2011 Fair Result

Five pieces, three ribbons, and a check. That's the result from my entries in the fair this year. We didn't put in any vegetables this year as we have only peppers and tomatoes. The judges just look at salsa and don't taste it so we don't put any of our salsa in the open event.

Here is what I entered:

I got a third place for the hanky holder and a fifth place for both the butter mold and the afghan. The final result: a premium check for $6.75!


MLK said...

The hanky holder was old when I was a little girl so it is very old! Those were the days when everyone had lots of handkerchiefs. Then chain letters were legal and once I was in one and got twenty one hankies. Would have gotten over a hundred had no one broken the chain.

The afghan is at least seventy years old. I'll admit that I remember Aunt Hulda making it.

rk2 said...

Who needs 100 hankies??? : )