Sunday, December 18, 2011

Christmas Prep

1. Ceramic Christmas tree from Aunt Louise and Aunt Hulda up. When I got it out a few days I unpacked the box completely to find all of the lights. At the bottom of the box was a note that said, "For Mary K." Oops, I may have to give it to her.

2. Candle lights in the windows thanks to a friend's help.

3. Springerles made thanks to Betty's help and a quick trip to IL.

4. Co-workers gifts purchased, bagged, and ready to take to work tomorrow.

5. Christmas letters written and will go in the mail tomorrow.

6. All gifts to take south are purchased.

7. Chocolates made.

8. Chocolate cookies made but they are not good so will need to re-do.

9. Outside decorations put up.

10. Ornaments bought and mailed.

11. (Still working on) Focusing on why Jesus came to earth and the love of God that sent Him.
God loves me so much, that I was worth Jesus to Him.
God love you so much, that you were worth Jesus to Him.

1 comment:

marym said...

I'll let you borrow the ceramic tree this year!

Looks like you're very organized, having gotten so much done. Can't wait to see you!