Thursday, December 1, 2011

Thankful Thursday 12/1/11

Can't believe it's December already!!!

1. First paycheck tomorrow at new job.
2. Did just enough shopping on Black Friday to get some good deals but not too much to spend too much money.
3. An interesting discussion in Sunday morning's Bible study leading to an anticipated study this coming Sunday.
4. Looking forward to a getting a lesson in springerle making from the guru of springerle baking!!!
5. Internet access at home--I held out for a long time but it certainly is nice to have.
6. Today is my second day without health insurance, but at least I know I will have it again in another month. I think about the families who don't have health insurance and have little to no hope of getting it and don't have the resources to provide healthcare as needed.
7. Tuesday night on the way to class I was a bit nervous that there would be snow and even more traffic on the E. Beltline due to the Meijer visitation; however, I think the traffic was actually better than is typical.
8. Today at work I actually did something by myself. Well, I checked the account, found the problem, got the correction, told my "trainer" what I needed to do to correct the problem, and then made the correction.


Nog Blog said...

Just to let you know, I like your Thankful Thursday posts!

rk2 said...

Nog Blog, thanks--I though only my mother read them. : )

Your mother said...

Yes, I read "Thankful Thursday" and truly enjoy it. Your "thank you's" make me thankful by proxy. And I fuss when you miss a Thursday! So thank you for teaching me to be more grateful.

rsctt said...

It is good to be thankful!