Thursday, December 8, 2011

Thankful Thursday 12/8/11

1. Met a cousin for dinner last night. He is in the area on business this week. It was nice connecting with him as I'm not sure we have ever really talked. There have been very few family get togethers we were both at and if we were we each talked to others and our paths really didn't cross. Somehow my going to there home for me to play with them when I was about 10 and he as 3 or so probably doesn't count as talking or connecting.

2. Bought some flavored EVOO today and enjoyed putting it on pasta tonight with some mozzarella cheese. I suppose putting ham chunks in it kind of took away from it, but I thought it was good. (Yes, Mom I had mixed vegetables as well.)

3. A co-worker says I'm really learning quickly. Thankfully she said it before I didn't really know how to correct any of the errors today.

4. Had a nice visit with the neighbors last night when I stopped by their house to pick up a tray of Christmas goodies. I don't think either of us expected it to turn into a 90-minute visit!

5. Two nieces are finished with exams!

6. The ornaments are in the mail. Hopefully they will arrive in time in AL for when my sister's family puts up their tree.

1 comment:

MLK said...

Glad you're back on the Thankful Thursday track. Like I said, it helps me be thankful also.