Friday, May 11, 2012


So many things have  happened in the last few weeks since the last post so here goes a list of lots of random thoughts:
1. I really miss my mom on Mother's Day weekend. I loved 3 years ago when she was here for Mother's Day.
2. Vacation was wonderful. Two weeks ago today I spent the entire day on the beach. Thanks to Jayne I read 4 books over the week--don't know when I've ever done that. I may write about the 4 books later.
3. I like teaching but I don't like the work between the classes, but then I think the students probably don't either.
4. Had a nice team outing with 3 of the 5 team members at the Volksparade at Holland's Tulip Time.
5. My car really needs to be washed. The nice thing about the color of my car (metallic light blue) is good for not showing dust, but the windows show how dirty it is.
6. This has been a couple of very busy weeks at work--getting back from vacation immediately having month end, busy days at the start of the month to invoice clients, getting ready for a server move today, etc.
7. Other thoughts shooting around like a ping pong ball in my head, but those will have to wait . . .

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