Friday, November 23, 2012

A Few Favorite Stories

Yesterday I was reminded of three of my favorite stories from my nieces and nephews when they were little. Names have been omitted to not embarrass the speaker.

When visiting at my parents home one 3-year old nephew was sitting beside Dad at dinner. After the meal Dad complimented mother on what a good meal it was. The nephew turned to Dad and said, "She's a good woman."


Another time the nieces and nephews had all stayed at my parents so their parents could have a few days of quiet and we could all enjoy the kids. Grandma brought out a sweater to one of the nieces to put on in case she was cold--Grandma always thought they must be cold and needed socks and more clothes. One niece looked at Grandma and said, "Grandma, I'm not cold, but if you are then YOU should put on a sweater.


One Christmas a nephew and I helped the grandparents by washing their cars and then decided to go get Aunt Mary's car at work and wash it too. In the office Aunt Mary offered our services to others and the owner's wife let us wash her car too. Several times on the way to the car wash, while we were washing the car, and on the drive back I went through this with the nephew.

"It is very possible that she will offer us money for doing this for her, but her husband has been very sick so why don't we just do a nice thing for her and not take any money. If she offers money just say, "Thank you for offering, but we are happy to do this for you and your husband. We do not want any money for this." We practiced it several times.

Back at the office the lady came out with a dollar for the nephew. He began, "Thank you for offering, but we are just happy" and then looked at me saying "Now what was it I'm supposed to say?"


Ann said...

I can figure out at least one, and probably two. . .

rk2 said...

Well only one belongs to you!