Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thankful Thanksgiving

1. Salvation. My uncle recently said he doesn't know how anyone can go through losing a spouse without God in their lives, and I have wondered how one faces job loss without faith.

2. Parents who have and continue to love and care for me.

3. Siblings and their spouses who no doubt shake their heads at my shenanigans but still love me and support me.

4. Nieces and nephews who are growing into responsible and mature adults who are just fun to be with.

5. I have so many possessions--some are needs, many more are wants, and some I look at and think "what was I thinking that I bought that?????"

6. Friends who include me in their holiday plans.

7. Friends who have reached out in the last couple of weeks in a variety of ways. Without realizing it they have been Omnipotence's helpers.

8. Health and knowing good healthcare is available.

9. A country that has had a "peaceful revolution" six times in my life. We can change presidential parties and while there will always be disappointment by almost half of the voters we don't worry about violence breaking out.

So many more . . .

1 comment:

Jayne, from bells said...

and I'm thankful for you!