Sunday, November 11, 2012

Day +4

It's four days since The News. This morning was rough at church. We sang I Stand in Awe of You and How Great is Our God. I was on the organ which was better and was worse. It was better that I didn't have to actually sing the words, and it was worse because I could hear the words and there was a big potential for a meltdown while playing. I made it with no tears until I tried to sing the chorus accapella with the audience but quit and then the leader repeated the chorus.

So many people at church were very encouraging, and I know many of them are praying for me.

Best comment I got yesterday: If you need or want to talk, stop by. We may not know much but we're always willing to give our opinion.

Best comment of today came from a missionary I was giving a head's up that the little financial support I give them monthly may discontinue after February: This morning I was thinking that I had too much work but my perspective on that has changed.

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