Thursday, April 4, 2013

Thankful Thursday 4/4/13

1. Great, great visit with Jayne from Handbells.

2. Made it to the airport and back twice without getting lost.

3. My parents are coming for a visit!!!

4. The oil leak from my vehicle was just a loose drain plug that the first auto shop I took it too tightened for me. The only charge? "Just bring it in the next time you need a repair."

5. I have all the supplies for 2 4x4 square foot garden boxes. I hope to build them in the next day or two and then get the stuff planted.

6. Met the neighbor who will put a word in for me at his place of employment. Would be a good thing.


Nog Blog said...

I studied up on square foot gardening once and I'm sure you will have fun and be very successful. Me? I had the same luck I usually have with gardens, fun to plant and then let the weeds grow!

rk2 said...

Weeds? I'm making the Mel's mix that is supposed to prevent weeds. I'll keep you updated as to how it all goes. I'm making my two boxes today.