Saturday, June 1, 2013


Watched a little girl who was probably a young 3 with her father in Lowe's. She was carrying a plunger that was about 2 inches shorter than she was, a hook which I thought was dangerous to give a kid, and a bag of unopened Doritos. It was all she could do to keep hold of everything. She was oblivious to anyone around as she sauntered following her father to the checkout. She was enjoying seeing anything at her eye level--the Energizer bunny on a display, the big keys pictured on the key maker--and made a comment about everything she saw to no one.

Her father kept turning around, "Laura, come on."
"Laura, hurry."
"Come on, Laura."
"I'm coming."

She reminded me of a niece and I smiled.


Ann said...

Which niece? :-)

rk2 said...

I have 7 wonderful nieces 3 of whom I knew when they were the age of the Laura mentioned in the post. Two of the three had darker hair as did Laura. After that I plead the 5th!