Friday, April 4, 2008

Cell Phones in the 21st century

Many of you know that I live in a condo association in which most of the owners are quite elderly.

No joke, the first order of business at the annual owner's meeting after prayer, Bible reading and eating is to read the list of owner's who have died during the previous year!

Of the 10 condos on my street 6 of them have owners that are over 85. There is a shared garage between every two units.

One day I was pulling in from work when my next door neighbor was in his half of the garage. I was on the cell phone when I got out of the car but hung up since he wanted to talk.

He asked me, “How far can you talk with that thing?”

Me: “Well you can talk anywhere you can with a regular phone.”

Neighbor: “My friend has one that he can all the way to his son in NC.”

Me, realizing he had no concept of cell phone technology and there was no point in trying to explain it, “Well, it must be a good one.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Too funny.