Saturday, March 21, 2009

Vacation Day 3 and it's only 10:41

1. I woke up often during the night. The neighbor's dogs were barking, the bed squeaked, and I kept thinking about Mark and Molly's dear friend whose 38-year old husband died yesterday of a heart attack.
2. At 7:25 Jeffrey came in to tell me he was ready for big pancakes.
3. While eating one of Grandma's Good Rolls I felt something crunchy. The top half of my tooth came off. I called the dentist's office and she called back about 20 minutes later. She said this time it is the crown which is actually good because it's still under warranty. The problem is I will have to wait until Thursday afternoon to have anything done about it. It's a shooting pain occasionally, but I think as long as I'm careful about food and drink touching it, I should be ok. I think I'll go take some Alleve.
4. The boys are off for baseball's opening day parade and games, and I'm off to Costco and watch the game later.

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