Saturday, March 10, 2012

Kitchen Woes

In the past few weeks I've made a renewed effort to cook on the weekends to have good food available throughout the week. With dinner plans tomorrow evening I thought I'd make some soup today to have for lunch tomorrow and during the week.

It's a chicken cheese chowder which I usually just throw everything in the crock pot and let it cook but I thought since I had time today I'd actually follow the recipe and cook it on the stove. I got the carrots and onions cooking and had some flour measured out when I could not find the recipe card anywhere. I thought, "There is NO way it fell between the oven and the cabinet!!!" However, since the card was not to be found I turned off the burner and pulled out the stove. Yes, the card had fallen in that teeny, eeny, weeny crack!

Oh well, I swept out under the stove just glad that I didn't find any toys or money as a friend did last night when several of us went with her to her new home to clean. She pulled the stove out and found about 3-4 match box cars, a stuff toy and other "treasures".

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