Thursday, March 15, 2012

Thankful Thursday 3/15/12

1. March Madnes is here! This is always a fun time of year although I'm probably "into" it less this year than others.

2. On my 4 month anniversary yesterday at work I was able to correct all the reconciliation issues for my ARC numbers without asking any questions. I'd promised everyone a party when I did so today I brought in angel food cake, fruit, and whipped topping.

3. Had a very enjoyable dinner at AlpenRose tonight. We were there for our work team lunch before Christmas and got mystery cards with discounts of $5-25. They scan the card when you are ready to pay and Renae had a $25 card!

4. This weather is too amazing!!! Love it, love it, love it; however, it may be too warm and the tulips will be gone before Tulip Time. Can't believe we saw some tulips that were about 3" high in downtown Holland tonight.

5. My class is complete and grades are turned in.

6. I really enjoyed my nieces and nephews when they were little but there is something nice about sending several of them a text when I'm having a computer issue and all respond.  Which brings up how thankful I am for text. While I like to hear people's voices, it's great to stay in touch in this way.

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