Monday, November 5, 2012

Thankful Thaturday

My Thankful Thursday, written on Saturday and completed and posted on Monday. 1. Finally got all my outside stuff in the garaGe for the winter. It's a rather sad feeling. 2. Sleeping until 9:25 this morning put me far behind, but that extra sleep was wonderful. I apparently relly needed it! 3. I get to watch all of the Alabama football game tonight because we get an extra hour of sleep tonight. 4. Last night I talked with my uncle. It was so refreshing to hear him tell how God has blessed for the last year. UPDATED LATER: 5. I have blogger on my phone so that I can post from my phone but found it rather difficult to make any corrections. I started this on my phone Saturday night but am now finishing on a computer. EDIT: I've tried to get these points to separate into a line for each point, but I can't get it done. 6. The end of the AL game was so exciting I couldn't get to sleep. 7. Happy Birthday to one of the 3 best sisters in the world. 8. Did some shopping at the Michigan City outlets and stopped at Fannie May on the way out of town. They aren't what they used to be. Goodbye Trinidads and Chocolate Toffee.


Ann said...

What??!!! No Trinidads or chocolate toffee?????!!!!

rk2 said...

Oh, they still have my two favorites, but they aren't what they used to be and thus easy to drive by in the future.