Sunday, June 14, 2015

The Importance of Toast

Recently I read a marketing blog about the importance of toast. Why is toast special?

1. It's custom made for you. You can't toast something head of time.
2. It's made carefully to not be burned.
3. It's a special treat because I didn't have to toast the bread.

I realize that all of that is true. Wouldn't every relationship be better if we considered how we can make toast for others?

1. I'm here for you. I'm present. For you. I'm not thinking about my next meeting, next project, or plans for later in the week.
2. I'm doing this carefully for you. I'm thinking what you like and what you need.
3. I don't have to do this for you, but I am because of who you are or who I am.

1 comment:

MaryM said...

I was just thinking it's really time for you to post again - and you had! What good thoughts to consider. Thank you. Love you!