Tuesday, December 9, 2008

My Shot Up Nerves

This is a very tough week at work. Everyone seems to be reading into any thing that happens. So far I've heard:

--We think this e-mail means someone on our team is going to be cut.
--My work team leader cancelled a meeting with me tomorrow. I think I'll be gone.
--My computer isn't working correctly. I wonder if they've changed my permissions prematurely.
--My work team leader was acting strangely when he let someone go in the last round of layoffs a year ago, and he's acting strangely again.

I am scared for people I know and for my very close friend in particular. I've been thinking yesterday and today that "my nerves are just all shot up."

Then today I read a blog post about how Christians are supposed to be people of peace and yet they are worried and anxious.

So from now on this is what I choose:

Isaiah 26:3
You keep him in perfect peace
whose mind is stayed on you,
because he trusts in you.

1 comment:

Mark Pierce said...

Rhoda - I truly know how you feel. I can't tell you how many people have told me this over the past two weeks, and you know what? It really doesn't help too much to know that others have gone or are going through the same thing. But what HAS HELPED me immensely is to know that people are praying for me. My prayer for you is this, "Our Father, I lift up my new friend Rhoda. I know she is anxious about what will happen to her job. I pray You would fill her with Your Presence. Please let her know how much You love her and how much You will care for her. Draw her to You during her most anxious moments. May I be a friend to her for Your glory. Amen."